
Published Jan 31, 2022Updated Sep 28, 2023
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Represents an interface for adding audio content to the page.

HTML supports the following audio formats:

  • MP3
  • WAV
  • OGG


<audio controls>
<!-- Source tags with different audio formats go here -->

The <audio> element may contain one or more <source> elements with different audio formats. The browser will run the format most suitable for the browser.

The <audio> tag may include <source> tags and fallback text. It may also use attributes to convey intention, such as the ones listed below:

  • Using autoplay automatically plays the audio.
  • Using controls has an overlay to allow the user to control the audio.
  • Using loop specifies that when the audio ends, it will begin again.
  • Setting src to the URL for the audio to be shown to the user.


<audio controls>
<source src="audioFile_name.ogg" type="audio/ogg" />
<source src="audioFile_name.mp3" type="audio/mpeg" />
<h3>Fallback text if audio will not play</h3>

Audio Element

In the example above, the <audio> element contains the controls attribute to display user controls for the audio content such as a play and pause button. In addition, there are two <source> tags with different audio formats. If the browser doesn’t support the .ogg file format, it will use the .mp3 file. Lastly, the text that follows the <source> tags will display if the <audio> tag is not supported by the browser.

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