
Anonymous contributor's avatar
Anonymous contributor
Published Jun 2, 2022Updated Mar 17, 2023
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The <output> element displays the result of a calculation or user action. It is commonly used inside of a <form> element to dynamically show the result of user input. However, the <output> element can be used on its own.


The result of 5 + 5 is <output name="operation-result">10</output>

The <output> element requires opening and closing tags that wrap around the result.


The <output> element takes the following attributes:

  • for indicates the id of one or multiple elements (separated by a space) whose values are factored in the calculation.
  • form indicates one or more forms the <output> element belongs to.
  • name indicates the name of the element.


The example form below features an <output> element displaying the slider value multiplied by two:

<head> </head>
oninput="result.value=parseInt(sliderInput.value)*2; document.querySelector('span').innerText=sliderInput.value"
<label for="slideInput" id="sliderValue">
Slider Value: <span> </span>
<input name="sliderInput" type="range" value="0" />
<label for="result"> Output (Slider value * 2): </label>
<output name="result" for="sliderInput" form="calculation-form"> </output>

Example of what the rendered text would look like

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