
BrandonDusch's avatar
Published Mar 3, 2022Updated Jul 1, 2022
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The <picture> element represents multiple possible image sources to be applied to different devices and screen-sizes. While it has no semantic meaning, the <picture> element will separate its contents from the rest of the document.


  Zero or more <source> tags go here,
  followed by at least one <img> tag here.

The <picture> element is used with zero or more <source> elements followed by one <img> element.

The <picture> element that allows developers the flexibility to use different image specifications.


Using different sources provides more options for the browser with regards to the screen or host device. The <img> element is used as the last option of the <picture> element, acting as a fallback if any of the sources are invalid.

<head> </head>
<source media="(min-width:700px)" srcset="CodecademyLogoLarge.jpg" />
<source media="(min-width:540px)" srcset="CodecademyLogoSmall.jpg" />
alt="The Codecademy logo"

Output of the picture tag

Some use cases for this example include the following:

  • Creating a responsive design where an alternative image is used based on the display size.
  • Optimizing page load times in situations where certain images take longer to load and having an alternative image that loads faster comes in handy.

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