
BrandonDusch's avatar
Published Aug 3, 2021Updated Aug 14, 2024
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Links are used in HTML to add features to a web page including styling, functionality, hyperlinks, and navigation.

The <a> anchor tag is used to create hyperlinks in an HTML document. The hyperlinks can point to other webpages, files on the same server, a location on the same page, or any other URL using the hyperlink reference href attribute.

Text wrapped in a linked anchor tag becomes a hyperlink to another page:

<!-- Creating a text link -->
<a href="">My Home</a>

The output of the example code above will look like this:

Showcasing the usage of text links

Anchor tags can be used to link to certain parts of a page with a matching id attribute:

<!-- Creating a text link -->
<a href="#data-science-jobs">Data science jobs</a>

The output of the example code above will look like this:

Showcasing the usage of internal links

Anything that is inside the anchor tag will be treated as a link. In this case, the Codecademy logo will take the user to the Codecademy home page.

<!-- Creating an image link -->
<a href="">
<img src="logo.jpg" alt="Codecademy Logo" />

The output of the example code above will look like this:

Showcasing the usage of image as a link

Special strings can be passed to the href attribute to link email accounts ("mailto:[email protected]") or phone numbers ("tel:###-###-####"):

<!-- This link will try to create a new email to [email protected]. -->
<!-- This link will try to call phone number 234-555-1212. -->
<a href="tel:234-555-1212">234-555-1212</a>

The actions defined by these links will be completed depending on the user’s device and settings. For example, clicking a phone link while on a cell phone may use the built in dialer to complete the call.

The <link> element is used to connect the document to an outside resource, most commonly stylesheets, via the <head> element. Unlike most elements, which come as opening and closing tags, the <link /> is self-closing and only contains attributes.

The two primary attributes are:

  • A rel to describe the format of the external source.
  • An href that contains the filepath to the external source.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Links in HTML</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="some/outside/source.css" />
<!-- markup here -->

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