The <aside>
semantic HTML element is used to mark additional information that can enhance another element,but isn’t required in order to understand the main content.
Common Uses
It can be used for related links, for clarifying a statement from the current article, for a sidebar or a location where it doesn’t obstruct the main piece of content.
An example of this would be an article that discusses how to take care of a dog and next to the article an advertisement would appear advertising a dog grooming product. The ad would be in the <aside>
Other uses:
- Bibliographies
- Endnotes
- Comments
- Pull quotes
- Editorial sidebars
- Additional information
<aside><!-- Aside content goes inside the tag --></aside>
is a tag that wraps around a block of HTML giving it semantic meaning. It has no special attributes, and by default will act similarly to a <div>
Suppose the current page wants to feature a definition of an important term without having it be a part of the text the term appears in:
<html><head> </head><body><article><h2>Functional Programming in JavaScript</h2><!-- Lots of paragraphs before this point --><p>One of the fun things we can do with functional programming inJavaScript is <b>currying</b>. Here we have an example of taking afunction with two inputs and turning it into a curried version</p><aside><p><b>Definition</b>: Currying is the process of converting a functionwith multiple inputs into a sequence of functions, each taking asingle argument and returning the next function in the sequence. Thefinal function in the sequence will then return the same value thatthe original function would have returned.</p></aside><code><!-- Code snippet for article goes here --></code></article></body></html>
We could use CSS to pull that <aside>
to the right side of the current article, and have it stand out as a thing worth reading that is in service to the current text.
All contributors
- short_matthew_f33 total contributions
- christian.dinh2476 total contributions
- Anonymous contributorAnonymous contributor3071 total contributions
- short_matthew_f
- christian.dinh
- Anonymous contributor
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