Boolean Logic

THE-Spellchecker's avatar
Published Jan 19, 2024Updated May 15, 2024
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One of the primitive data types in Java is the boolean. A boolean object takes a value of true or false.

Boolean logic describes how boolean values can be combined and manipulated. Java implements boolean logic through a set of operators and methods.

Boolean Logical Operators

The boolean logical operators available in Java are described in the following table:

Operator Symbol Syntax Behavior Equivalent Logical Concept
&& (boolean A) && (boolean B) Returns true if both arguments equal true; otherwise returns false AND / Conjunction
|| (boolean A) || (boolean B) Returns true if at least one argument equals true; otherwise returns false OR / Inclusive disjunction
! !(boolean A) Returns true if the argument equals false; otherwise returns false NOT / Negation
^ (boolean A) ^ (boolean B) Returns true if exactly one argument equals true; otherwise returns false XOR / Exclusive disjunction

Boolean Logical Methods

The boolean logical methods available in Java are described in the following table:

Method Syntax Behavior Equivalent Logical Concept
logicalAnd(boolean A, boolean B) Returns the result of (A && B) AND / Conjunction
logicalOr(boolean A, boolean B) Returns the result of (A || B) OR / Inclusive disjunction
logicalXor(boolean A, boolean B) Returns the result of (A ^ B) XOR / Exclusive disjunction

Use in Conditionals

Boolean logic is commonly used within conditionals to control the flow of a program.


The following example illustrates the use of boolean logical operators within conditionals.

// File:
public class GateTest{
public static void main(String args[]) {
boolean gate1IsOpen = false ;
boolean gate2IsOpen = false ;
boolean gate3IsOpen = true ;
if(!(gate1IsOpen || gate2IsOpen || gate3IsOpen)){
System.out.println("All gates closed.");
else {
System.out.println("Gate open! Identify and close immediately.");

The above example gives following output:

Gate open! Identify and close immediately.

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