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Published Oct 3, 2023
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The .roll() method for the Calendar class can be used to add or subtract a single unit of time on the given calendar without changing the larger fields.


calendar.roll(calndr_field, bool_flag)

This method takes two arguments, calndr_field, which will be used to select which field of the calendar you will use (YEAR, MONTH, DAY). The second one bool_flag will add a single unit of time if true or will subtract a single unit of time if false.


In the following example, .roll() is being used to add and subtract one year to the calendar being used.

import java.util.*;
public class roll_method {
public static void main(String args[]) {
// Creating a calendar.
Calendar calndr = Calendar.getInstance();
// Current Year.
System.out.println("The Current Year is: " + calndr.get(Calendar.YEAR));
// false will decrement the year by subtracting a single unit of time.
calndr.roll(Calendar.YEAR, false);
// Showing year after operation.
System.out.println("The New Year is: " + calndr.get(Calendar.YEAR));
// true will increment the year by adding a single unit of time.
calndr.roll(Calendar.YEAR, true);
// Showing year after operation.
System.out.println("The New Year is: " + calndr.get(Calendar.YEAR));

The output of the above code will be similar to the following:

The Current Year is: 2023
The New Year is: 2022
The New Year is: 2023

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