Regular Expressions

Published Jun 3, 2022
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Regular expressions are a language used for pattern-matching text content, and they are implemented in Java through the Pattern and Matcher classes. The Pattern class represents a compiled regular expression, while the Matcher class uses a Pattern to perform operations on text. Multiple Matcher instances can use the same Pattern instance. Both classes are part of java.util.regex.

Details on the syntax of regular expressions can be found here.

Using the Pattern Class

An instance of the Pattern class is used to hold a compiled version of a regular expression pattern. The syntax for creating a pattern instance is:

Pattern p = Pattern.compile(re, flags)

Where re is a regular expression pattern. And flags is an optional int bit mask specifying the flags for the pattern.

The flags parameter can include the following:

  • Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE: Enables case-insensitive matching
  • Pattern.MULTILINE: Enables multiline mode where ^ and $ match the start and end of a line rather than start and end of the whole text.
  • Pattern.DOTALL: Allows . to match any character, including a line terminator.
  • Pattern.UNICODE_CASE: Allows CASE_INSENSITIVE to follow the Unicode standard, rather than restricting to the US-ASCII character set.
  • Pattern.CANON_EQ: Forces matching to take canonical equivalence into account.
  • Pattern.UNIX_LINES: Forces \n to be the only line delimiter recognized by .,^ and $.
  • Pattern.LITERAL: Forces all metacharacters in the pattern to be interpreted as literal characters instead.
  • Pattern.UNICODE_CHARACTER_CLASS: Enables the Unicode version of character classes.
  • Pattern.COMMENTS: Allows whitespace and comments in pattern.

The Pattern class includes the following methods:

  • .compile(pattern, flags) : Static method that returns a Pattern instance based on the given pattern and optional flags.
  • .pattern() : Returns the string pattern with which the instance was compiled.
  • .flags() : Returns the flags bit mask with which the instance was compiled.
  • .matcher(input) : Returns a Matcher instance that applies the Pattern instance against the supplied input text.
  • .matches(pattern, input) : Static method returns a boolean if the given pattern matches a string in the supplied input text.
  • .split(input, limit) : Returns an array that splits the input around the matches found by the compiled pattern, and the optional int limit specifies the maximum number of strings to return in the array.

Using the Matcher Class

An instance of the Matcher class is used to perform operations against input text using a compiled Pattern instance. A Matcher instance is created from a Pattern instance using the following syntax.

Matcher m = pattern.matcher(input)

Where pattern is a compiled Pattern instance and input is the input text to be matched against it. The Matcher can be used to search the whole input, or a region of the input, finding each match, sub-matches, and their locations in the input text.

The Matcher class includes the following methods:

  • .end(group) : Returns the offset after the last character matched. If optional int group included, returns the index of the match made by the given subgroup during the last match operation. (Subgroups defined by enclosing parentheses (...))
  • .find(start) : Attempts to find the next match in the input. If optional int start included, resets the Matcher instance and finds the next match after the specified index in the input.
  • .group(group) : Returns the section of input last matched in the input. If optional int group specified, find the numbered subgroup matched in the input. (Subgroups defined by enclosing parentheses (...))
  • .hitEnd() : Returns true if the last match hit the end of input.
  • .lookingAt() : Attempts to find a match beginning at start of region. True if one found.
  • .matches() : Attempts to find a match in the entire region. True if found.
  • .pattern() : Returns the Pattern instance used by this Matcher instance.
  • .region(start, end) : Sets the region of input used by this Matcher instance.
  • .regionEnd() : Returns the end of region for this Matcher instance.
  • .regionStart() : Returns the start of region for this Matcher instance.
  • .replaceAll(replacement) : Replaces all incidences of matches with the given replacement string. Returns modified string.
  • .replaceFirst(replacement) : Replaces first match in the input with the given replacement string. Returns modified string.
  • .reset(input) : Resets this Matcher instance. If optional input specified, resets with new input text.
  • .start(group) : Returns the offset of the first character matched. If optional int group included, returns the index of the match made by the given subgroup during the last match operation. (Subgroups defined by enclosing parentheses (...))
  • .usePattern(pattern) : Sets Matcher instance to use new Pattern instance pattern.


The following example finds all the words that start with “s” and have an “e” as the second or third character.

import java.util.regex.*;
public class Example {
public static void main(String args[]) {
Pattern p = Pattern.compile("s.?e[a-z]+");
Matcher m = p.matcher("Susie sells sea shells by the sea shore.");
boolean matchFound = m.find();
while ( matchFound ) {
matchFound = m.find();

This produces the following output:


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