
Christine_Yang's avatar
Published Aug 22, 2022Updated Aug 22, 2022
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The StringBuilder class in Java represents a String-like character sequence that is mutable, whereas objects of the String class are immutable. This provides an alternative to the String class when it’s a requirement to change a character sequence once it is defined.

It is similar to another class, StringBuffer, but it is faster in most circumstances. The difference between StringBuilder and StringBuffer is that StringBuilder is not thread-safe. StringBuilder offers no guarantee of synchronization and should not be used across multiple threads.


StringBuilder s1 = new StringBuilder();

StringBuilder s2 = new StringBuilder(capacity);

StringBuilder s3 = new StringBuilder(sequence);

A StringBuilder can be created in the following ways:

  • Calling the constructor with no arguments creates a StringBuilder with no contents and a capacity of 16 characters.
  • Calling the constructor with the int argument, capacity, creates a StringBuilder with no contents and a capacity of capacity characters.
  • Calling the constructor with a sequence argument that is either a String or a CharSequence creates a StringBuilder with contents and capacity equal to the specified String or CharSequence.


The following example creates a StringBuilder with a specified String and then changes it by appending another String:

import java.util.*;
public class Example {
public static void main(String[] args)
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder("Hello");
str.append(" World!");

This produces the following output:

Hello World!

Below is a list of methods used by the StringBuilder class:


Appends the string representation of its argument.
Returns the current space available for characters in the StringBuilder.
Removes a substring from the contents of a StringBuilder and returns the modified object.
Removes the character at the specified index from the contents of a StringBuilder and returns the modified object.
Returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring in the StringBuilder or -1 if none are found.
Places a sequence of characters into a StringBuilder and returns a reference to the object.
Returns the index of the last (rightmost) occurrence of a substring in the StringBuilder or -1 if no substring is found.
Returns the number of characters currently in the StringBuilder.
Switches a substring in a StringBuilder with a specified String and returns the modified object.
Returns a modified StringBuilder object with its character sequence rearranged in the opposite order.
Returns a String object representing a substring of the character sequence currently in a given StringBuilder.
Returns a String representation of the character sequence currently in a given StringBuilder.

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