
MFValmayor's avatar
Published Mar 7, 2023
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The .regionMatches() method tests if two string regions are equal. It compares a substring in the given String to another substring in the argument passed.


string.regionMatches(ignoreCase, toffset, other, ooffset, len);


  • ignoreCase is a boolean value that specifies whether the method should be case-sensitive or not.
  • toffset is an integer representing the index of the substring in the first string to be compared.
  • other is the string argument to be compared.
  • ooffset is an integer representing the index of the substring in the second string to be compared.
  • len is an integer representing the number of characters to be compared in both strings.

Note: For the method to be case-sensitive, ignoreCase can also be omitted.


The example below compares a substring in variables S1 and S2:

// Example.java
public class Example{
public static void main(String[] args){
String S1 = new String("This is an example");
String S2 = new String("is");
System.out.print("Result of comparing S1 with S2: ");
System.out.println(S1.regionMatches(true, 5, S2, 0, 2));

This outputs the following:

Result of comparing S1 with S2: true

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