
StevenSwiniarski's avatar
Published Apr 16, 2022
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The String class’ .replace() method returns a new string where all instances of a given value are switched with a new value.


string.replace(char oldValue, char newValue);

A char represents a single character. Other valid inputs for the .replace() method include the following:

  • An instance of the Character class that resolves to a single character.
  • A CharSequence interface that represents a sequence of characters (the String class is one implementation of this interface).

In any case, the returned result will always be a new String object with all instances of oldValue replaced with the newValue.


The example below tests a string s with the usage of char values, Character instances, and a CharSequence where a substring, “Hello”, is replaced with “Goodbye” and reassigned:

public class ReplaceMe {
public static void main(String args[]) {
String s = "Hello World!";
System.out.println("Original String: " + s);
char testA = 'e';
System.out.println("With primitive char: " + s.replace(s.charAt(2), testA));
Character testB = new Character('o');
System.out.println("With Character class: " + s.replace(s.charAt(6), testB));
CharSequence testC = "Goodbye";
System.out.println("With CharSequence: " + s.replace("Hello", testC));

This results in the following output:

Original String: Hello World!
With primitive char: Heeeo Wored!
With Character class: Hello oorld!
With CharSequence: Goodbye World!

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