Published Jul 30, 2021Updated Jun 30, 2022
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Strings in Java are objects that can hold a sequence of characters contained within a pair of double quotes ("
). It is not a primitive data type.
Strings can either be compared by value via method (e.g., .equals()
) or by reference, or location in memory, (e.g., ==
) via operator.
Java strings provide a way to store text such as words, sentences, or whole paragraphs. They can be any length and may contain letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces:
import java.util.*;class StringExample {public static void main(String[] args) {// Using a string literalSystem.out.println("Codecademy");// Creating a String variableString address = "575 Broadway #5, New York, NY 10012";System.out.println(address);}}
This will output the following:
Codecademy575 Broadway #5, New York, NY 10012
- .charAt()
- Returns the character at the given index in the string.
- .codePointAt()
- Returns the Unicode value at the given index in the string.
- .codePointBefore()
- Returns the Unicode value before the given index in the string.
- .codePointCount()
- Returns the number of Unicode values in specified range of a string.
- .compareTo()
- Returns 0 if two strings are equal in Unicode value. Otherwise, the lexicographical difference is returned.
- .compareToIgnoreCase()
- Returns 0 if two strings are equal in Unicode value, regardless of character case. Otherwise, the lexicographical difference is returned.
- .concat()
- Returns a string that is the concatenation of the given strings.
- .contains()
- Returns true if a sequence of characters exists in a given string, otherwise false.
- .contentEquals()
- Returns true if the sequence of characters in the string is equal to the content of the specified string. If not, returns false.
- .copyValueOf()
- Returns a string with characters copied from an array.
- .endsWith()
- Returns true if a string ends with a given suffix, otherwise false.
- .equals()
- Returns true if two strings are equal in value and false otherwise.
- .equalsIgnoreCase()
- Compares two strings in a case-insensitive manner.
- .format()
- Returns a string with additional arguments in a specifically defined format.
- .getBytes()
- Encodes the string into an array of bytes that represent the characters in the string.
- .getChars()
- Copies characters from the given string into the destination character array.
- .hashCode()
- Returns an integer hash code value for the object on which it is invoked.
- .indexOf()
- Returns the zero-indexed position of the first occurrence of the given character(s) in a string.
- .intern()
- Creates an exact copy of a string located in the heap memory and stores it in the string constant pool.
- .isEmpty()
- Returns true if a string has no content, otherwise false.
- .join()
- Returns a new string composed of the elements joined together with the specified delimiter.
- .lastIndexOf()
- Searches a string for a specified value and returns the position of the match.
- .length()
- Returns the number of characters contained in a string.
- .matches()
- Checks whether a string matches a given regular expression.
- .offsetByCodePoints()
- Returns the new index of a character in a string after applying the specified code point offset.
- .regionMatches()
- Tests if two string regions are equal.
- .replace()
- Returns a new string where all instances of a given value are switched with a new value.
- .replaceAll()
- Searches a string with a regex pattern and replaces each match with a replacement string.
- .replaceFirst()
- Replaces the first matching substring in a string with the specified replacement string.
- .split()
- Splits a string into an array of substrings based on a delimiter pattern.
- .startsWith()
- Returns true if a string starts with a given character sequence and false otherwise.
- .subSequence()
- Returns a character sequence from a string.
- .substring()
- Returns a part of the string specified through a starting index and an optional ending index.
- .toCharArray()
- Returns an new character array from a given string.
- .toLowerCase()
- Converts a string to lowercase characters.
- .toUpperCase()
- Returns a given string in all uppercase letters
- .trim()
- Removes leading and trailing whitespace from a string.
- .valueOf()
- Returns the string representation of a given value.
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