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Published May 4, 2024
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The .toLocaleTimeString() date method returns a string representation of a given Date object according to an event’s locale and other options.


dateObject.toLocaleTimeString([locales [, options]])
  • locales: A string representing a BCP 47 language tag, such as ‘en-US’ for US English or an array of BCP 47 language tags.
  • options: An object containing properties that control how the time string is formatted.

Example 1

In the following example, a Date object representing August 3, 2003, is created, and then formatted it using the .toLocaleTimeString() method:

const date = new Date('2003-08-03T00:00:00');
const timeString = date.toLocaleTimeString();

The output of the above code is:

12:00:00 AM

Example 2

In the following example, a Date object representing a specific date and time is created and then formatted into time strings using both English and Chinese locales:

const randomDate = new Date(1995, 11, 17, 3, 24, 0);
const options = {
hour12: true,
hour: 'numeric',
minute: 'numeric',
second: 'numeric',
const timeStringEnglish = randomDate.toLocaleTimeString('en-US', options);
const timeStringChinese = randomDate.toLocaleTimeString('zh-CN', options);
console.log('English (en-US):', timeStringEnglish);
console.log('Chinese (zh-CN):', timeStringChinese);

The output of the following code is as follows:

English (en-US): 3:24:00 AM
Chinese (zh-CN): 上午3:24:00

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