
Christine_Yang's avatar
Published Sep 2, 2021Updated Aug 31, 2024
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Iterators are used to loop over a group of data members, or a collection.

An iterator is an object that implements the iteration protocols. Many built-in data types (strings, arrays, maps, sets, etc.) have an iterator property that make them iterable.

Iterable and Iterator Protocols

The iterable protocol stipulates that all iterable objects implement the @@iterator method. In other words, an object must have or inherit, via its prototype chain, the @@iterator property key. When an object is to be iterated, the @@iterator method is called without any arguments, and the returned iterator obtains the values or elements to be looped over.

The iterator protocol, by definition, implements the next() method and returns an object with at least two properties:

  • done is a boolean that determines whether the sequence has been completed or consumed. If incomplete, its value is false. Otherwise, it is true.
  • value is any type of value the iterator returns.


This range-based iterator, loops through a collection of integers and satisfies the iteration protocols.

function createRangeIterator(min = 0, max = Infinity, step = 1) {
let nextNum = min;
let numCount = 0;
const rangeIterator = {
next: function () {
let result;
if (nextNum < max) {
result = { value: nextNum, done: false };
nextNum += step;
return result;
return { value: numCount, done: true };
return rangeIterator;
  • The rangeIterator object is an iterator object that satisfies the iterator protocol.
  • When all elements in the range collection are iterated over, done becomes true and is returned.

To use the createRangeIterator():

const useCase = createRangeIterator(2, 8, 2);
let result =;
while (!result.done) {
result =;

This will output:


Codebyte Example

Run the below codebyte example to see how an iterator works with a string:


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