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Published May 14, 2024
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In JavaScript, the .create() method creates a new object with the specified prototype object and optional additional properties. It essentially allows developers to create an object that inherits properties from another object.


Object.create(prototype[, propertiesObject])
  • prototype: The object that serves as the blueprint for the newly created object.
  • propertiesObject (Optional): The object whose properties are added to the newly created object.


The following example explains the use of the .create() method:

// Creating an object to serve as the prototype
var prototypeObject = {
greet: function () {
return 'Hello!';
// Creating a new object with 'prototypeObject' as its prototype
var newObj = Object.create(prototypeObject);
// 'newObj' inherits the 'greet' function from 'prototypeObject'

The above code produces the following output:


In the above example, an object named prototypeObject is created with a greet() method. Subsequently, .create() generates a new object newObj, inheriting the greet() method from prototypeObject. The invocation newObj.greet() then outputs Hello! to the console.

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