
Published Dec 26, 2023Updated May 15, 2024
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The .groupBy() method groups items according to the value returned by a callback function. The return value of the .groupBy() method is a null-prototype object that doesn’t inherit any object methods.


Object.groupBy(items, callfunc);
  • items: It is an array. They will be grouped according to the result of the callfunc.
  • callfunc: It is a callback function. This function returns a string or a symbol.


In the following example, the code groups users by their subscription year:

const subs = [
{ userName: 'Lisa', yearSub: 2022 },
{ userName: 'Akim', yearSub: 2020 },
{ userName: 'Lola', yearSub: 2020 },
const subsByYear = Object.groupBy(subs, (user) => {
return user.yearSub;

Note: To run this code, it is necessary to add a library like Lodash.

The output of the above code will be:

'2020': [
{ userName: 'Akim', yearSub: 2020 },
{ userName: 'Lola', yearSub: 2020 }
'2022': [ { userName: 'Lisa', yearSub: 2022 } ]

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