Optional Chaining

NBarnhouse's avatar
Published Dec 27, 2024
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The optional chaining (?.) operator simplifies comparing multiple data properties in a chain of connected objects. This is especially valuable if any of the properties are null, as the operator will return undefined instead of throwing an error.

Optional chaning can be used to validate nested object properties, call optional functions or methods on optional objects, accessing array elements, and more.

The primary benefits of using optional chaining instead of regular syntax include simplifying the code to achieve the same result, making it easier to read, protecting against runtime errors, and enhancing maintainability.


The basic syntax for using optional chaining is as follows:

// To access an object property

//To access an element in an array

//To invoke a function (if it exists)


Accessing Object Properties

To search for the state object of person:

const person = {
name: 'Alice',
gender: 'Female',
age: 12,
address: {
street: '1111 Palm Ave',
city: 'Broken Arrow',
state1: 'Oklahoma',
favoriteFoods: ['pizza', 'ice cream', 'cake'],
commonPhrase: function () {
return `${this.name} always says "I love ${this.address.state1}."`;
// Regular syntax for checking if the state1 property exists
const state1Regular = person && person.address && person.address.state1;
console.log(`State (regular syntax) is: ${state1Regular}`);
// This can be rewritten as:
const state1Chaining = person?.address?.state1;
console.log(`State (optional chaining) is: ${state1Chaining}`);

The output of the above code will be as follows:

State (regular syntax) is: Oklahoma
State (optional chaining) is: Oklahoma

Accessing Array Elements

To search for the cake in the favoriteFoods array of person:

const person = {
name: 'Alice',
gender: 'Female',
age: 12,
address: {
street: '1111 Palm Ave',
city: 'Broken Arrow',
state1: 'Oklahoma',
favoriteFoods: ['pizza', 'ice cream', 'cake'],
commonPhrase: function () {
return `${this.name} always says "I love ${this.address.state1}."`;
// Regular Syntax for searching favorite food
const foodRegular =
person &&
person.favoriteFoods &&
person.favoriteFoods.find((item) => item === 'cake');
console.log(`Favorite Food (regular syntax) is: ${foodRegular}`);
// This can be rewritten as:
const foodChaining = person?.favoriteFoods.find((item) => item === 'cake');
console.log(`Favorite Food (optional chaining) is: ${foodChaining}`);

The output of the above code will be as follows:

Favorite Food (regular syntax) is: cake
Favorite Food (optional chaining) is: cake

Accessing Object Functions

To determine if the commonPhrase function exists in person before invoking it:

//Regular Syntax
if (person && typeof person.commonPhrase === 'function') {
const phrase = person.commonPhrase();
//This can be rewritten as:
const phrase = person?.commonPhrase?.();

The output of the above code will be as follows:

Alice always says "I love Oklahoma."
Alice always says "I love Oklahoma."

Codebyte Example

Run the following example and compare the regular syntax of conditional statements and optional chaining on a more complex data set:


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