
THE-Spellchecker's avatar
Published Jul 24, 2021Updated Nov 14, 2024
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The RegExp object defines patterns for matching and manipulating strings in JavaScript. Regular Expressions perform pattern-based searches, replacements, or any other operations on strings.

A RegExp object can also have flags set along with a pattern to change how matches are performed.


There are two ways to create a RegExp object:

  • Literal Notation: Use slashes to delimit the pattern, followed by any flags.
let re1 = /foo?/i;
  • Constructor Function: Use the RegExp constructor, passing the pattern as the first argument and any flags as the second.
let re2 = new RegExp('foo?', 'i');

There is a difference between the methods. Literal notation compiles when the expression is evaluated. It should be used when the pattern will remain constant so it won’t be recompiled unnecessarily, such as in a loop.

Using the object constructor means the expression will be compiled at runtime. It should be used when the pattern of the RegExp object is subject to change or is obtained during runtime, such as from user input.


Property Description
.flags Returns a string containing the flags of the RegExp object.
.dotAll Indicates if . matches newlines.
.global Indicates if the RegExp searches for all matches.
.hasIndices Does the Regular Expression result expose captured substrings’ start and end indices?
.ignoreCase Indicates if the RegExp is case-insensitive.
.multiline Indicates if the RegExp performs multiline matches.
.source The text of the pattern used by the RegExp object.
.sticky Indicates if the RegExp only matches from lastIndex.
.unicode Indicates if the RegExp treats patterns as Unicode sequences.
.lastIndex The index to start the next match.


  • .exec(str): Executes a search for a match in the given string and returns an array of results.
  • .test(str) Tests whether a pattern is found in the given string and returns true or false.

String Methods Supporting RegExp

In the following, re is a RegExp object.

Method Description
.match(re) Returns the array result of match(es) against the string.
.matchAll(re) Returns an iterator of all the matches found within the string.*
.replace(re, substr) Replaces match(es) in the string with a given substring, substr.
.search(re) Returns the index of the first match in the string.
.split(re) Splits string into an array using the match(es) as a delimiter.

* The RegExp object must have the g flag set or an exception is thrown.

RegExp Flags

RegExp flags modify the default matching behaviour.

Flag Description
g Finds all matches, not just the first one.
i Makes matches case-insensitive. Matches both uppercase and lowercase.
m Performs multiline matches. (Changes behavior of ^,$)
s Allows . to match newline characters.
u Enables Unicode support.
y Matches are sticky, looking only at exact position in the text.

Example 1

let re1 = /foo?/gim;
let re2 = new RegExp('foo?', 'gim');
// Create a RegExp object that performs a global, case-insensitive, multiline search

Regular Expressions

The following characters are used to define a Regular Expression string.


The following match the boundaries between characters, not the characters themselves.

Characters Meaning
^ Matches the beginning of input. In multiline search, matches immediately after a line break character.
$ Matches the end of input. In multiline search, matches immediately before a line breaks character.
\b Matches a word boundary. The point where a word character is not followed by a word character or the point where a word character is not preceded by another word character
\B Matches a non-word boundary. The point where preceding and following characters are of the same type.

The following match a character or expression based on what follows or precedes it.

Characters Meaning
x(?=y) Match x only if x is immediately followed by y. y is not part of the match results.
x(?!y) Match x only if x is not immediately followed by y. y is not part of the match results.
(?<=y)x Match x only if x is immediately preceded by y. y is not part of the match results.
(?<!y)x Match x only if x is not immediately preceded by y. y is not part of the match results.

Example 2

let str = 'Sally sells seashells by the seashore';
let re = /s(?=e)/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: Sally xells xeashells by the xeashore
re = /s(?!e)/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: xally sellx seaxhellx by the seaxhore
re = /^s/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: xally sells seashells by the seashore
re = /\Bs/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: Sally sellx seaxhellx by the seaxhore

Character Classes

Character classes specify a given type of character to match.

Characters Meaning
. Matches any character except line terminators. When s flag set, it also matches line terminators.
\d Matches any digit (Arabic numeral).
\D Matches any character that is not a digit (Arabic numeral).
\w Matches any alphanumeric character from Latin alphabet, including underscore.
\W Matches any character that is not an alphanumeric character from Latin alphabet or underscore.
\s Matches any whitespace character (space, tab, newline, non-breaking space, and similar).
\S Matches any character that isn’t a whitespace character.
\t Matches a horizontal tab.
\r Matches a carriage return.
\n Matches a linefeed.
\v Matches a vertical tab.
\f Matches a form-feed.
[\b] Matches a backspace.
\0 Matches a NUL character (when not followed by another digit).
\xnn Matches the character code nn (two hexadecimal digits).
\unnnn Matches a UTF-16 code unit with the value nnnn (four hexadecimal digits).
\ Followed by a special character, means that the character should be matched literally.

Example 3

let str = '2001: A Space Odyssey';
let re = /\W/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: 2001xxAxSpacexOdyssey
re = /\d/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: xxxx: A Space Odyssey
re = /\d\D/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: 200x A Space Odyssey

Groups and Ranges

Indicate groups and ranges of characters to match.

| Characters | Meaning | | ———————————— | ————————————————————————————————————————————————– | ————————– | | x | y | Matches either x or y. | | [xyz] | Matches the character x, y or z. | | [a-c] | Matches the character that falls between a and c inclusive (a, b and c).* | | [^xyz] | Matches the character that is not x, y or z. | | [^a-c] | Matches the character that does not fall between a and c inclusive (not a, b or c).* | | (x) | Matches x and remembers the match, capturing the group. | | \n | Where n is a positive integer, represents a back reference to the last substring matching the nth captured group. | | (?<Name>x) | Matches x and stores it in the groups property of the returned matches under the name Name. | | \k<Name> | Represents a back reference to the last substring matched in the named capturing group specified by Name. | | (?:x) | Represents a non-capturing group. Matches x but does not remember the match. |

* If the hyphen falls at the start or end of the sequence in brackets, it is treated as a literal hyphen.

Example 4

let str = 'Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers.';
let re = /[aeiou]/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: Pxtxr Pxpxr pxckxd x pxck xf pxcklxd pxppxrs.
re = /[^p]/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: PxxxxxPxpxxxpxxxxxxxxpxxxxxxxpxxxxxxxpxppxxxx
re = /pi(ck|pe)/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: Peter xr xed a peck of xled peppers.


Quantifiers specify the number of characters or expressions to match.

Characters Meaning
x* Matches the preceding item x zero or more times.
x+ Matches the preceding item x one or more times.
x? Matches the preceding item x zero or one times.
x{n} Matches the preceding item x n times, where n is a positive integer.
x{n,} Matches the preceding item x n or more times, where n is a positive integer.
x{n,m} Matches the preceding item x at least n times and at most m times where n and m are positive integers and n is less than m.

By default, these quantifiers are greedy, matching as much of the string as possible. By following the quantifier with ? (x*?) the match will stop at its first occurrence.

Example 5

let str = 'Billy bought a bushel of blue balloons.';
let re = /b.?l+/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: xy bought a bushel of xue xoons.
re = /[olu]{2}/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: Bixy bxght a bushel of bxe baxxns.
re = /l\w*/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: Bix bought a bushex of bx bax.
re = /o\w+?/gi;
console.log(str.replace(re, 'x'));
// Output: Billy bxght a bushel x blue balxns.

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