
StevenSwiniarski's avatar
Published Aug 2, 2023
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A Storage object allows the addition, modification, and deletion of stored key/value pairs. The keys and values stored are always UTF-16 strings. Integer keys are converted to strings. The session storage for a domain is called from an object named sessionStorage. Local storage is stored in an object called localStorage.

The two Storage objects are as follows:

  1. localStorage: Data is saved for the document’s origin, and persists across browser sessions. The data has no expiration date.
  2. sessionStorage: Data is saved for the document’s origin, but persists only for the duration of the browser session.

Note: The Storage object is particular to the protocol of the document. The localStorage or sessionStorage object for will be a different object than the localStorage or sessionStorage object returned for

Note: The behavior of Storage objects for documents loaded from the local filesystem (i.e. file:) is undefined. Many browsers define a separate Storage object for each file: URL, but it is not best practice to rely on this behavior.


The following example shows adding a key/value pair to localStorage, retrieving it, and removing it.

localStorage.setItem('dataKey', 'dataValue');
const data = localStorage.getItem('dataKey');

The example results in the following output:


Below is a list of the Storage object’s methods and properties:


Removes all keys in a Storage object.
Returns the value of the key on the given data item.
Returns the number of items in an array or the number of characters in a string.
Removes a key-value pair from the local storage based on the specified key.
Updates the value to the specified storage object key, if it exists, else adds the key to the object.

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