
andersooi's avatar
Published Aug 13, 2024
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In JavaScript, the .at() method allows direct access to a character at a specified position in a string. Unlike the .charAt() method, .at() allows both positive and negative integers as an argument, simplifying the operation. Positive integers count indices from the start of the string, while negative integers count from the back. For example, -1 refers to the last character, -2 to the second last, and so on.


  • string: The string from which the character is to be accessed.
  • index: An integer representing the position of the character to be accessed.


Below is an example showcasing the functionality of the .at() method:

const word = 'Codecademy is fun!';
// Accessing the first character in the string
// Accessing the last character using a negative index
// Accessing a character at a position that's beyond the string length

The above code produces the following output:


Note: The .at() method returns undefined for out-of-bound indices, unlike .charAt(), which returns an empty string.

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