
hal_sk's avatar
Published Jun 13, 2023
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The setInterval() method is used to execute a function repeatedly at specified time intervals.


The setInterval() function is used to execute a function repeatedly at a specified interval (delay).

intervalID = setInterval(function, delay, arg0, arg1, /* … ,*/ argN)

setInterval() takes the following parameters:

  • The function to be executed or, alternatively, a code snippet.
  • The delay in milliseconds between each execution. This parameter is optional and if not provided defaults to 0.
  • Optional additional arguments (arg0, arg1argN), which are passed to the function once the timer expires.

After setInterval() is executed, the function argument is executed only after the given delay.

It returns a numeric, non-zero value as intervalID of the timer created by the call to setInterval(). This intervalID value can be passed to clearInterval() to cancel the interval.


Following code outputs “Hello” 3 times to given number each second

let i = 1; // Initial count
const iMax = 3; // Max count
// Function passed to `setInterval()` method
function sayHello() {
console.log('Hello number ' + i);
i = i + 1;
if (i > iMax) {
clearInterval(intervalID); // Canceling the repeating action of the `setInterval()` method
const intervalID = setInterval(sayHello, 1000); // Calling the `setInterval()` method

Expected output:

Hello number 1
Hello number 2
Hello number 3

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