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Published Nov 20, 2023
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The .toDateTimePeriod() method in Kotlin is a versatile function that transforms an ISO-8601 formatted string into a DateTimePeriod object. This conversion is particularly useful when working with durations, especially when expressing durations in terms of years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds.


  • isoString: A string representing a length of time utilizing the ISO-8601 format (e.g., 1 day = P1D, 1 hour = PT1H).

Note: This method can also operate on Duration objects that are part of the kotlin.time library, but this is still experimental and many of the original methods have been deprecated.


import kotlinx.datetime.*
fun main() {
val newPeriod = "P3DT12H".toDateTimePeriod()
val theDays = newPeriod.days
val theHours = newPeriod.hours
println("Total days in the period: $theDays")
println("Total hours in the period: $theHours")

The code above will output the following:

Total days in the period: 3
Total hours in the period: 12

Note: An IllegalArgumentException is raised if the total number of months in hours, minutes, seconds, and nanoseconds overflows a Long or if the string cannot be parsed.

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