
Anonymous contributor's avatar
Anonymous contributor
Published Oct 27, 2023
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The .endsWith() method compares the end of the sequence with the given suffix and returns a boolean value indicating whether they are the same or not.


String.endsWith(suffix, ignoreCase)
  • String: The sequence which the suffix is to be compared with.
  • suffix: A sequence of length n, to be compared with the last n elements of String.
  • ignoreCase: A boolean value dictating whether function is to be case insensitive. Defaults to false.


The example demonstrates the use of .endsWith() to compare the end of a sequence, first to the string “@gmail.com”, then with the string “@hotmail.com”.

fun main() {
val str = "[email protected]"
val sfx1 = "@gmail.com"
val sfx2 = "@hotmail.com"
val endsWithSfx1 = str.endsWith(sfx1)
val endsWithSfx2 = str.endsWith(sfx2, true)

The output of this code will be:


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