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Published Oct 28, 2023
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The .filterNot() method will filter elements from a Kotlin sequence based on whether or not the same element is present in the given predicate.



-String: The collection of elements to be filtered. -predicate: The collection of elements to be filtered out.


The example demonstrates the use of .filterNot() to remove any pairs in the map with a value less than 2, and then to filter out any pairs with the key c.

fun main() {
val originalMap = mapOf("a" to 1, "b" to 2, "c" to 3)
val filteredMap = originalMap.filterNot(it.value < 2)
val filteredMap2 = originalMap.filterNot(it.key == "c")

The output of this code will be:

{b=2, c=3}
{a=1, b=2}

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