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Published Oct 28, 2023
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.regionMatches() for char sequence checks if a specified region within a Kotlin char sequence matches the content of another char sequence. It also checks if a specified region within a Kotlin String matches the content of another string.

Syntax (Char Sequence)

// regionMatches() method for CharSequence
fun CharSequence.regionMatches(
    thisOffset: Int,
    other: CharSequence,
    otherOffset: Int,
    length: Int,
    ignoreCase: Boolean = false
): Boolean

Returns true if the specified region in this char sequence is equal to the specified region in another char sequence.


  • thisOffset: This is the starting position within the current character sequence for the substring being compared.
  • other: This represents the string against which a substring comparison is carried out.
  • otherOffset: This indicates the starting position within the other character sequence for the substring being compared.
  • length: This specifies the length of the substring under comparison.

Syntax (String)

// regionMatches() method for String
fun String.regionMatches(
    thisOffset: Int,
    other: String,
    otherOffset: Int,
    length: Int,
    ignoreCase: Boolean = false
): Boolean

Returns true if the specified region in this string is equal to the specified region in another string.


  • thisOffset: The starting position in this string for the substring to be compared.
  • other: The string to which a substring is compared.
  • otherOffset: The starting position in the other string for the substring to be compared.
  • length: The length of the substring to be compared.

Example (Char Sequence)

The following example uses the .regionMatches() for char sequence. The result is then printed:

fun main() {
val charSeq1: CharSequence = "Hello, CodeAcademy Members"
val charSeq2: CharSequence = "code"
val result = charSeq1.regionMatches(
thisOffset = 7,
other = charSeq2,
otherOffset = 0,
length = 4,
ignoreCase = true
if (result) {
println("The specified region in charSeq1 matches the content of charSeq2.")
} else {
println("The specified region in charSeq1 does not match the content of charSeq2.")

This prints the following output:

The specified region in charSeq1 matches the content of charSeq2.

Example (String)

The following example uses the .regionMatches() for string. The result is then printed:

fun main() {
val str1: String = "Hello, CodeAcademy Members"
val str2: String = "code"
val result = str1.regionMatches(
thisOffset = 7,
other = str2,
otherOffset = 0,
length = 4,
ignoreCase = true
if (result) {
println("The specified region in str1 matches the content of str2.")
} else {
println("The specified region in str1 does not match the content of str2.")

This prints the following output:

The specified region in str1 matches the content of str2.

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