
AngelAv1's avatar
Published Aug 10, 2023
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Operators are special characters that can carry out mathematical tasks and resolve logical expressions.

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators can be used to carry out mathematical functions:

-- Addition. Adds two numbers.
print(1 + 1) -- "2"
-- Subtraction. Subtracts two numbers
print(2 - 1) -- "1"
-- Multiplication. Multiplies two numbers.
print(2 * 2) -- "4"
-- Division. Divides two numbers.
print(4 / 2) -- "2"
-- Exponentiation. Performs an exponential operation
print(3 ^ 3) -- "27"
-- Modulus. This is a special operator that returns the remainder of a division expression.
print(16 % 3) -- "1" (16 divided by 3 would leave a remainder of 1)
print(25 % 5) -- "0" (25 divides evenly into 5)
-- Unary negation. This is not the same as subtraction, as it can be placed in front of a number/expression to negate it.
print(-1) -- "-1"
print(5 + (-1)) -- "4"
print(-(4 * 4)) -- "-16"

Compound Assignments

Compound assignments can be used to carry out mathematical operations and assign them to variables. To prevent errors, the initial value assigned to the variable should align with the input used to update the variable.

Within the following examples, n = 2.

Compound Operation Operation Shorthand Expanded Form Result
+= Addition n += 1 n = n + 1 3
-= Subtraction n -= 1 n = n - 1 1
*= Multiplication n \*= 2 n = n * 2 4
/= Division n /= 2 n = n / 2 1
^= Exponentiation n ^= 3 n = n ^ 3 8
%= Modulus n %= 2 n = n % 2 0
..= Concatenation n ..= “ Apples!” n = n.." Apples!" “2 Apples!”

Logical Operators

Logical operators return boolean or nil evaluations for conditional statements.

Logical Operator Description
and Resolves as true if both conditions are true
or Resolves as true if either condition is true
not Returns the opposite result of the provided conditional expression.

Relational Operators

Relational operators compare two values and resolve as true or false.

Compound Operation Operation Example
== Equal to 10 == 1false
~= Not equal to 10 ~= 1true
> Greater than 10 > 1true
< Less than 10 < 1false
>= Greater than or equal to 10 >= 1true
<= Less than or equal to 10 <= 1false

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