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Published Oct 26, 2023
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The concat() function is used to join the values of a table into a single string, separated by a specified separator. This function is particularly valuable when a table needs to be converted into a formatted string representation. The method allows for the use of a custom separator between values and the option to specify a range of indices to concatenate.


concat(table, separator, [i], [j])


concat() has the following parameters:

  • table: The table containing values to concatenate.
  • separator: The character or string used to separate the concatenated values.
  • [i] (optional): The starting index in the table for concatenation.
  • [j] (optional): The ending index in the table for concatenation.


In this example, the fruits table contains four elements. table.concat() is used to join the elements from index 2 to 3 (inclusive) with a comma and space as the separator. The resulting string is then printed.

local fruits = {"apple 🍎", "banana 🍌", "cherry 🍒", "watermelon 🍉"}
local result = table.concat(fruits, ", ", 2, 3)

The output is the following:

banana 🍌, cherry 🍒

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