
CaupolicanDiaz's avatar
Published Oct 3, 2023Updated Oct 5, 2023
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In the context of Luau and Roblox, tables are a data structure that can store multiple values of any type that isn’t nil, including booleans, numbers, strings, functions, and other tables.


The syntax for an empty table is:

local table = {}

Tables can be defined using curly braces ({}). The local keyword is primarily used to declare local variables. It is not used specifically for instantiating tables. In order to instantiate a table with elements the syntax will look something like this:

local table = {"amy", "john", "bob"}

The above example is instantiated like an array, but as mentioned above, table data types are capable of storing any form of data other than nil. Here is another example:

local profile = {"john", 24, "Atlanta", false}

Not only can tables be used as arrays, but you can even use them as dictionaries. Here is an example of a table in the form of a dictionary with an array data type included:

local profile = {
username = "john_doe",
level = 12,
experience = 500,
items = {"sword", "shield", "knife", "helmet"},

Accessing Items

If a given table is set up like an array, an important thing to note is that the index begins at 1 rather than at 0 as it is for other languages. Let’s use this table as an example:

items = {"sword", "shield", "knife", "helmet"}

To print the first item of the table to the console, the call will look like this:


Calling items from a table when it’s formatted like a dictionary is a little different. The value of items can be obtained by the keys. Below is an example of how to obtain the username value from the profile table.

-- Creating the profile table
local profile = {
username = "john_doe",
level = 12,
experience = 500,
items = {"sword", "shield", "knife", "helmet"},
-- Printing the username in the table

Table Functions

The following functions are used to work with tables:


Returns a new table with a specified value repeated a given number of times.
Removes all elements from a table.
Searches for the first occurrence of a specified value within a table.
Iterates through the elements of a provided table or collection, using a specified callback function to perform operations on each element.
Makes a given table read-only.
Returns the number of elements in the table passed.
Returns a boolean based on whether the table is in read-only mode or not.

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