
CaupolicanDiaz's avatar
Published Oct 14, 2022Updated Mar 28, 2023
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The pyplot.legend() function returns a legend on the axes of a plot or subplot.


plot_instance.legend(handles, labels)

The .legend() method accepts zero or more parameters and can be called on a valid plot_instance of the pyplot module. When called with no parameters, .legend() will attempt to add the elements automatically. The following parameters can be used:

Parameter Name Data Type(s) Usage
handles sequence of Artist Utilized if more control is desired with each entry on the plot and how they are labeled.
labels list of strings Displays the labels in the order they are entered.
loc int, string Determines the position of the legend on the axes. Defaults to best.
ncol int Determines how many columns the legend will have. Defaults to 1.
fontsize int, string Changes the font size the labels. Defaults to 11.
labelcolor list, string, None Changes the color of the label(s). Defaults to None
title string, None Inserts a title for the legend. Defaults to None.
title_fontsize int, string, None Changes the font size of the legend title. Defaults to None.


In the following example, .legend() will be shown using the iris data set which is available using seaborn (pandas .read_csv() can be used alternatively). The handles parameter will be demonstrated, using seaborn to import the dataset.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
iris = sns.load_dataset('iris')
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,6))
sepal_lw = ax.scatter(iris['sepal_length'], iris['sepal_width'], label='Sepal')
petal_lw = ax.scatter(iris['petal_length'], iris['petal_width'], label='Petal')
plt.legend(handles=[sepal_lw, petal_lw]);

The output is shown below:

Output of matplotlib.pyplot.legend() function from seaborn example

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