
toshymoshy's avatar
Published Oct 3, 2024
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In NumPy, the .ceil() function rounds each element in an array to the nearest integer that is greater than or equal to the element. This function is applied to real numbers.


numpy.ceil(input_value, out=None, where=True)
  • input_value: The input array or scalar that contains the elements to be rounded up.
  • out (Optional): A location where the result will be stored. If no value is provided, a new array is returned.
  • where (Optional): A boolean array that specifies the condition for rounding.
    • If the condition is True at a given position, the element will be rounded.
    • If the condition is False, the original value is retained.
    • If no value is provided, the .ceil() function is applied to all elements.

Example 1

This example demonstrates using the .ceil() function to round an array of floating-point numbers up to the nearest greater integer:

# Importing the 'numpy' library as 'np'
import numpy as np
# Creating an array of floating-point numbers
arr = np.array([1.4, 2.7, -0.2, -3.1])
# Applying the '.ceil()' function
result = np.ceil(arr)

The above code results in the following output:

[ 2. 3. -0. -3.]

Example 2

This example shows how the where parameter of .ceil() can be used to apply rounding only to certain elements of the array. In this case, only the positive numbers are rounded:

# Importing the 'numpy' library as 'np'
import numpy as np
# Creating an array of floating-point numbers
arr = np.array([1.4, 2.7, -0.2, -3.1])
# Applying '.ceil()' only where the elements are positive
np.ceil(arr, out=arr, where=arr > 0)

The above code results in the following output:

[ 2. 3. -0.2 -3.1]

Codebyte Example

In this codebyte example, the .ceil() function rounds the elements in an array of floating-point numbers:


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