
StevenSwiniarski's avatar
Published May 12, 2022
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The .read_csv() function takes a path to a CSV file and reads the data into a Pandas DataFrame object.



The filepath_or_buffer parameter is the path to the CSV file. It can be a path on the local machine or a valid URL. It is the first parameter of the function and can be used by itself. There are, however, many other parameters that are optional or have default settings. These are usually passed as keyword arguments since using the parameter order is generally inconvenient.

Some of the more significant parameters are listed here:

Parameter Name Data Type Usage
filepath_or_buffer str Path to the CSV file to import.
sep str Delimiter to use. Values longer than 1 character will be interpreted as Regular Expressions.
delimiter str alias for sep.
header int, list of int, None Row number(s) to use as column names, and start of data.
names array-like List of column names to use. If file contains a header row, explicitly set header=0 to override the column names.
usecols list-like or callable List of column numbers or names to import. If callable, uses columns where the name passed to the callable results in True.
skiprows list-like, int or callable Initial lines to skip (int). Row numbers to skip (list). Or callable that returns True when the row number passed to it should be skipped.
skip_blank_lines bool True to skip blank lines rather than reading NaN values. Default is True.


import pandas
df = pandas.read_csv("data.csv")

Output will show the contents of the CSV file loaded into the DataFrame:

column 1 column 2 column 3
0 A B C
1 D E F

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