
Published May 12, 2024
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The .columns attribute represents the column labels of the DataFrame. It returns an Index object and can be used to view or assign new values to the column labels.




In the following example, the .columns attribute is used to view and modify the column labels of the studentGrades DataFrame:

import pandas as pd
# Creating the DataFrame representing student grades
data = {'Math': [88, 92, 79, 85],
'Science': [94, 77, 90, 78],
'English': [89, 80, 95, 81]}
studentGrades = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Print the column label of the studentGrades
# Print the studentGrades DataFrame
print(f'{studentGrades} \n')
# modify the column label
studentGrades.columns = ['Algebra', 'Biology', 'Literature']
# print the modified column label
# print the modified studentGrades Dataframe

The output for the above code is as follows:

Index(['Math', 'Science', 'English'], dtype='object')
Math Science English
0 88 94 89
1 92 77 80
2 79 90 95
3 85 78 81
Index(['Algebra', 'Biology', 'Literature'], dtype='object')
Algebra Biology Literature
0 88 94 89
1 92 77 80
2 79 90 95
3 85 78 81

Codebyte Example

The following Codebyte Example demonstrates how to view and update the column labels of a DataFrame using the .columns attribute:


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