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Published Mar 18, 2023
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The .drop_duplicates() function will return a copy of a DataFrame with duplicated rows removed or None if it is modified directly.


df.drop_duplicates(subset=None, keep='first', inplace=False, ignore_index=False)
Parameter Option(s) Description
subset (optional) sequence: ["column_label_1", "column_label_n"] Only considers duplicates in these columns. Otherwise, all columns are screened by default.
keep "first", "last", or False Determines which duplicates to keep. The default, "first", drops all duplicates except the first occurrence. last will drop all duplicates except the last occurrence. False drops all duplicates.
inplace bool: False (default) Decides whether to create a new DataFrame or modify the existing DataFrame.
ignore_index bool: False (default) If True, the resulting axis will be labeled 0, 1, …, n-1.


Below are two separate examples of .drop_duplicates() using the same DataFrame:

import pandas as pd
people = {
"Name": ["Peter", "Julia", "Manon", "Manon", "Nouhoum", "Nouhoum"],
"Age": [7, 8, 10, 7, 9, 9],
"Favorite Color": ["Pink", "Purple","Orange","Green", "Blue", "Blue"]
# Initial DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(people)
print("Original DataFrame:")
# Example 1
df1 = df.drop_duplicates(inplace=False)
print("\nExample 1 DataFrame:")
# Example 2
df.drop_duplicates(subset=['Name'], keep='last', inplace=True, ignore_index=True)
print("\nExample 2 DataFrame:")

This will produce the following output:

Original DataFrame:
Name Age Favorite Color
0 Peter 7 Pink
1 Julia 8 Purple
2 Manon 10 Orange
3 Manon 7 Green
4 Nouhoum 9 Blue
5 Nouhoum 9 Blue
Example 1 DataFrame:
Name Age Favorite Color
0 Peter 7 Pink
1 Julia 8 Purple
2 Manon 10 Orange
3 Manon 7 Green
4 Nouhoum 9 Blue
Example 2 DataFrame:
Name Age Favorite Color
0 Peter 7 Pink
1 Julia 8 Purple
2 Manon 7 Green
3 Nouhoum 9 Blue

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