
nisett99's avatar
Published May 30, 2024
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In Pandas, the .pop() method removes a single specified column from a DataFrame object. In the process, the original DataFrame object gets modified and the removed column is returned as a Pandas Series object.


  • DataFrame: Refers to the DataFrame object from which a column is removed.
  • column_label: Represents the label of the column to be removed. This should be a string representing the column name.


This example shows the .pop() method in use:

import pandas as pd
d = {
'col 1': [1, 2, 3, 4],
'col 2': ['Red', 'Blue', 'Green', 'Pink'],
'col 3': ['Oval', 'Circle', 'Square', 'Star'],
'col 4': ['Sweet', 'Sour', 'Bitter', 'Salty']
df = pd.DataFrame(data = d)
print(f"Original dataframe:\n{df}\n")
data_pop = df.pop('col 3')
print(f"Popped data:\n{data_pop}\n")
print(f"DataFrame after pop:\n{df}\n")

The output is shown below:

Original dataframe:
col 1 col 2 col 3 col 4
0 1 Red Oval Sweet
1 2 Blue Circle Sour
2 3 Green Square Bitter
3 4 Pink Star Salty
Popped data:
0 Oval
1 Circle
2 Square
3 Star
Name: col 3, dtype: object
DataFrame after pop:
col 1 col 2 col 4
0 1 Red Sweet
1 2 Blue Sour
2 3 Green Bitter
3 4 Pink Salty

The code above creates a pandas DataFrame df from a dictionary d, prints the DataFrame, uses the .pop() method to remove the column col 3 and return it as a Pandas Series object, and then prints the popped data and the modified DataFrame.

Note: If the specified column label is not found in the DataFrame, a KeyError will be raised.

To remove multiple columns at once, use the .drop() method.

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