
MellowZippy1's avatar
Published Oct 10, 2023
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The array_chunk() method splits an array into chunks and returns a multidimensional array, each array containing length elements.


array_chunk($array, $length, $preserve_keys)

The array_chunk() function has two required parameters and one optional parameter.

  • $array: Specifies the input array.
  • $length: An integer that specifies the number of elements in a chunk.
  • $preserve_keys: When set to true keys will be preserved. The default is false which will reindex each chunk.

The array_chunk() function returns a multidimensional array, with each dimension containing $length elements.


The following example uses the array_chunk() function to split an array of students into chunks of 5. Additionally, the $preserve_keys parameter is set as true, which maintains the existing indexes.

$students = [
"Alice", "Bob", "Charlie", "David", "Emma", "Frank",
"Grace", "Henry", "Isabella", "Jack", "Kate", "Liam",
"Mia", "Noah", "Olivia", "Peter", "Quinn", "Ruby",
$chunkedArray = array_chunk($students, 5, true);

The example will result in the following output:

[0] => Array
[0] => Alice
[1] => Bob
[2] => Charlie
[3] => David
[4] => Emma
[1] => Array
[5] => Frank
[6] => Grace
[7] => Henry
[8] => Isabella
[9] => Jack
[2] => Array
[10] => Kate
[11] => Liam
[12] => Mia
[13] => Noah
[14] => Olivia
[3] => Array
[15] => Peter
[16] => Quinn
[17] => Ruby
[18] => Sophia

Note: The last chunk may contain less than $length elements.

Codebyte Example

This example is runnable and uses the array_chunk() function:

Note: The example uses a foreach loop to cycle through the elements with each chunk, and implode() is used to join the names of students in each chunk to create a readable format for output.


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