
konginator's avatar
Published Jul 12, 2023
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The array_combine() method returns a new array of key-value pairs from two separate arrays.


array_combine(arrayOfKeys, arrayOfValues)
  • arrayOfKeys: An array with elements to be used as keys in the combined array.
  • arrayOfValues: An array with elements to be used as values in the combined array.

Note: If the two arrays do not have an equal number of elements, array_combine() will throw a ValueError as of PHP 8.0.0.


In this example, a single array is created from the $keys and $values arrays.

$keys = array("one", "two", "three", "four");
$values = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
$combinedArray = array_combine($keys, $values);

The output looks like this:

[one] => 1
[two] => 2
[three] => 3
[four] => 4

Additionally, if there are multiple keys in the keys array, the last value that corresponds to the last occurrence of the key will prevail.

$keys = array("one", "two", "two", "four");
$values = array(1, 2, 3, 4);
$combinedArray = array_combine($keys, $values);

The output looks like this:

[one] => 1
[two] => 3
[four] => 4

In the example above, the last value of the key two is 3, so the value 3 is used in the combined array.

Codebyte Example

The following codebyte example declares a $colors and a $food array. It then combines these two arrays into a new array called $colorAndFood.


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