Anonymous contributor
Published May 23, 2022Updated Apr 4, 2023
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The date_format()
function takes a DateTime
object and a format string and returns a string based on the formatted value.
$datestring = date_format($object, $format);
The $object
parameter is a DateTime
object as returned by date_create()
. And the $format
parameter is a format string that can use the following characters:
Character | Description |
d |
Two digit day of the month with leading zero |
D |
Three character abbreviation of day of the week |
j |
Day of the month without leading zeros |
l |
Full name of day of the week |
N |
ISO 8601 number of day of the week (1 - 7 starting on Monday) |
S |
Numeric suffix for day of the month (“st”, “nd”, “rd”, “th”) |
w |
Number of day of the week (0 - 6 starting on Sunday) |
z |
Zero-based day of the year |
W |
ISO 8601 week of the year, weeks starting on Monday |
F |
Full name of month |
m |
Two digit number of month with leading zeros |
M |
Three character abbreviation of month name |
n |
Number of month without leading zeros |
t |
Number of days in the given month |
L |
1 for a leap year, 0 otherwise |
o |
ISO 8601 week-numbering year. Four digit year containing the current ISO 8601 week |
Y |
Four digit year |
y |
Two digit year |
a |
AM/PM lower case |
A |
AM/PM upper case |
g |
Hour on 12 hour clock without leading zeros |
G |
Hour on 24 hour clock without leading zeros |
h |
Hour on 12 hour clock with leading zeros |
H |
Hour on 24 hour clock with leading zeros |
i |
Minutes with leading zeros |
s |
Seconds with leading zeros |
e |
Timezone identifier |
I |
1 if date is in Daylight Savings Time, 0 otherwise |
O |
Difference to GMT without colon |
P |
Difference to GMT with colon |
c |
Full ISO 8601 date |
r |
RFC 2822 formatted date |
U |
Seconds since the Unix Epoch (Midnight GMT January 1, 1970) |
Codebyte Example
The example below creates a DateTime
object, then prints the date with a format string.
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