
Published Jul 18, 2023
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The date_parse() is an built-in function in PHP which is used to find the detailed information about a specified date.



The $date parameter is mandatory. The date_parse() function returns an associative array of detailed information for a specified date on success, and returns false on failure.


The example below gets an array from the date_parse() function, and prints out various elements from it:

print_r(date_parse("2023-06-27 11:27:40"));

The output will be as follows:

[year] => 2023
[month] => 6
[day] => 27
[hour] => 11
[minute] => 27
[second] => 40
[fraction] => 0
[warning_count] => 0
[warnings] => Array
[error_count] => 0
[errors] => Array
[is_localtime] =>

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