Math Functions
Published Apr 20, 2023
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PHP has several built-in functions for performing mathematical operations.
A list of PHP math operation functions can be found in the table below:
Math Functions
- abs()
- Returns the absolute value of the argument.
- acos()
- Returns the angle whose cosine value is equal to the specified value.
- acosh()
- Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine value of the given argument.
- asin()
- Returns the arc sine of a given number.
- asinh()
- Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number.
- atan()
- Returns the angle whose tangent is equal to the specified value.
- atan2()
- Returns the arc tangent of y/x, in radians.
- atanh()
- Returns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of a given value.
- base_convert()
- Converts a number from one number base to another.
- bindec()
- Returns an integer representing the decimal value of the binary string passed as input.
- ceil()
- Returns the next highest integer value of the fractional argument.
- cos()
- Returns the cosine of the angle passed as the argument.
- cosh()
- Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a number.
- decbin()
- Converts a decimal number to a string containing a binary number.
- dechex()
- Returns a hexadecimal string representation of a decimal number.
- decoct()
- Returns the corresponding octal value of the given decimal value.
- deg2rad()
- Converts a number in degrees to the radian equivalent.
- exp()
- Returns e raised to the power of x.
- floor()
- Returns a rounded number down to the nearest integer.
- fmod()
- Returns the remainder (modulo) of x/y.
- hexdec()
- Returns the decimal equivalent of a given hexadecimal string.
- hypot()
- Returns the length of the hypotenuse of a 90-degree triangle.
- is_finite()
- Evaluates whether a value is a legal finite number or not.
- is_infinite()
- Evaluates whether a value is an infinite number or not.
- is_nan()
- Checks whether a value is not a number.
- log()
- Returns the natural logarithm of a value.
- log10()
- Returns the base-10 logarithm of a number.
- max()
- Finds and returns the highest value in an array or a list of variables.
- min()
- Returns the lowest value out of a group or array of values.
- octdec()
- Converts octal numbers to decimal numbers.
- pi()
- Returns the value of PI.
- pow()
- Returns the number raised to the power of the exponent.
- rad2deg()
- Converts radians to degrees.
- round()
- Returns the nearest whole number to the passed value, or the value rounded to the specified decimal precision.
- sin()
- Returns the sine of a given angle.
- sinh()
- Returns the hyperbolic sine of a number.
- sqrt()
- Calculates the square root of a number.
- tan()
- Returns the tangent of the angle passed as the argument.
- tanh()
- Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a number.
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