String Functions
Published Apr 17, 2022
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PHP has several built-in functions for text processing and the manipulation of strings.
A list of PHP string and text processing functions can be found in the table below:
String Functions
- bin2hex()
- Converts a string to hexadecimal values.
- chr()
- Returns a single-character string based on the ASCII value provided as an argument.
- echo()
- Outputs one or more strings.
- explode()
- Splits a given string by a delimiter and returns an array of the substrings produced.
- hex2bin()
- Converts a string of hexadecimal values to its binary representation.
- htmlentities()
- Converts all applicable characters to HTML entities.
- htmlspecialchars()
- Returns a converted string of HTML entities.
- htmlspecialchars_decode()
- Converts special HTML entities to characters.
- html_entity_decode()
- Converts HTML entities to characters.
- implode()
- Joins the elements of an array to form a new string
- ltrim()
- Trims whitespace or specific characters from the left side of a given string.
- money_format()
- Formats a number and returns it as a currency string.
- number_format()
- Returns a given value formatted with grouped thousands.
- ord()
- Returns an integer between 0 and 255 corresponding to the binary value of the first character of a string.
- rtrim()
- Removes whitespace or other predefined characters from the right side of a string.
- sprintf()
- Returns a string with a specified formatting.
- stripos()
- Returns the position of the first occurrence of a substring inside a given string.
- strlen()
- Returns the length of a string.
- strpos()
- Performs a case-sensitive search for the first occurrence of a substring in a given string.
- strtolower()
- Converts a string to lowercase.
- strtoupper()
- Converts each character in a string to uppercase.
- str_contains()
- Returns a boolean indicating if the specified string contains the substring provided.
- str_ends_with()
- Checks if a string ends with a given substring.
- str_pad()
- Returns a string with a new length by making it longer.
- str_repeat()
- Returns a string that repeats a substring a specified number of times.
- str_replace()
- Returns a string with occurrences of a specified substring replaced by another string.
- str_shuffle()
- Randomly shuffles the characters of a string.
- str_starts_with()
- Performs a case-sensitive search to check if a string starts with a given substring.
- substr()
- Returns a portion of a specified string.
- trim()
- Strips whitespace and/or other characters from the beginning and end of a string.
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