
maz.wakes's avatar
Published Jun 20, 2024
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In Pillow, the .rotate() method is used to rotate a given image anti-clockwise around its center by a specified number of degrees.


Image.rotate(angle, resample=Resampling.NEAREST, expand=0, center=None, translate=None, fillcolor=None)
  • angle: The angle to rotate the image by in degrees anti-clockwise.
  • resample: The resampling filter to use. Options include Resampling.NEAREST, Resampling.BILINEAR, and Resampling.BICUBIC.
  • expand: A boolean that, if True, expands the output image to make sure the whole rotated image fits.
  • center: A tuple (x, y) representing the center of rotation. The default is the upper-left corner.
  • translate: A tuple (x, y) representing post-rotate translation.
  • fillcolor: The color to use for areas outside the rotated image.

Note: The .rotate() method requires the angle parameter, while resample, expand, center, translate, and fillcolor are optional parameters for additional control over the rotating process.


The following example demonstrates the use of the .rotate() method:

from PIL import Image
# Opening the original image
img = Image.open('pillow-rotate-earth.png')
# Showcasing the original image
# Rotating the image by 30 degrees
image_rotated = img.rotate(30)
# Showcasing the rotated image

The above example produces two outputs. Here is the first one:

The Original Image

Here is the second one:

The Rotated Image

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