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Published Oct 10, 2024
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The .funnel() method in Plotly Express creates a funnel chart, which visualizes the progressive reduction of data as it moves through sequential stages. The chart is composed of stacked horizontal bars, with each bar’s length representing a value at a specific stage. This helps highlight changes, bottlenecks, or drop-offs in the process.


plotly.express.funnel(data_frame=None, x=None, y=None, color=None, facet_row=None, facet_col=None, ...)
  • data_frame: The dataset (typically a Pandas DataFrame) to be plotted. If this is not provided, Plotly Express will construct a DataFrame using the other arguments.
  • x: The column in the DataFrame that specifies the values to determine the length of the bars, plotted along the x-axis.
  • y: The column in the DataFrame that represents the stages of the funnel, plotted along the y-axis.
  • color: The column in the DataFrame that assigns colors to the bars of the funnel.
  • facet_row: Splits the funnel chart into vertically-stacked subplots based on a specified column from the DataFrame.
  • facet_col: Splits the funnel chart into horizontally-arranged subplots based on a specified column from the DataFrame.

Note: The ellipsis (…) indicates there can be additional optional parameters beyond those listed here.

Example 1

The example below generates a funnel chart representing the job search process for an applicant:

import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
# Create sample dictionary
data = {
'Stage': ['Applications Sent', 'Phone Interview', 'Technical Interview', 'Onsite Interview', 'Offers Received', 'Offers Accepted'],
'Job Applications': [500, 348, 92, 56, 10, 1]
# Convert the dictionary into a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Create the funnel chart with title "Job Search"
fig = px.funnel(df, x='Job Applications', y='Stage', title='Job Search')
# Show the chart

The above example produces the following output:

Funnel Chart Illustrating Job Search

Example 2

As a variation of the previous example, this example adds subplots using the facet_col parameter to compare two different job applicants side by side:

import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
# Create sample dictionary
data = {
'Stage': ['Applications Sent', 'Phone Interview', 'Technical Interview', 'Onsite Interview', 'Offers Received', 'Offers Accepted'] * 2,
'Job Applications': [500, 348, 92, 56, 10, 1, 500, 329, 290, 225, 167, 1],
'Applicants': ['Candidate 1'] * 6 + ['Candidate 2'] * 6
# Convert the dictionary into a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Create the funnel chart with title "Job Search Comparison"
fig = px.funnel(df, x='Job Applications', y='Stage', facet_col='Applicants', title='Job Search Comparison')
# Show the chart

The above code will result in the following output:

Funnel Chart Comparing Two Applicants

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