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Published Sep 5, 2024
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In Plotly, the .pie() method is used to create a pie chart, which visually represents data proportions. This method helps transform data into an appealing visual format, making it easier for readers to understand the relationships between variables.


plotly.express.pie(data_frame=None, values=None, names=None, title=None, hole=None, color_discrete_sequence=None, hover_data=None, labels=None, ...)
  • data_frame: The DataFrame to be used.
  • values: The values to be used to define the pie slices.
  • names: The labels for each pie slice.
  • title: The title of the chart.
  • hole: Creates a donut chart if value is between 0 and 1.
  • color_discrete_sequence: The color sequence for the pie slices.
  • hover_data: The column name for the additional data to show on hover.
  • labels: The custom labels to be used instead of column names in the figure.

Note: The ellipsis (…) indicates that there can be additional optional parameters beyond those listed here.


The example below shows the usage of the .pie() method:

# Import necessary libraries
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
# Define example data
data = {
'Category': ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'],
'Value': [45, 55, 30, 15]
# Create a DataFrame
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
# Create and display a pie chart
fig = px.pie(
title='Example Pie Chart',
labels={'Category': 'Category Name'}
# Display the plot

The code above generates the following output:

The output for the above example

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