
nelsonboamortesantiago's avatar
Published Oct 4, 2024
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The .treemap() method in the Plotly express module creates treemap charts representing hierarchical data. The hierarchy is defined using names (for sector labels) and parents (for parent-child relationships). Each row in the DataFrame corresponds to a sector, and the lengths of names and parents must match. Both can be strings, integers, Series, or array-like objects. If using a dictionary for the data_frame, the lists for names and parents must also have equal lengths.


plotly.express.treemap(data_frame = None, names = None, values=None, parents = None, color=None, title=None, labels=None, ...)
  • data_frame: The Pandas DataFrame containing the hierarchical data for the treemap; can also accept array-like or dictionary inputs, which will be converted to a DataFrame.
  • names: Specifies the column name, Series, or array-like object used as labels for the rectangles in the treemap.
  • values: Specifies the column name, Series, or array-like object whose values are used to determine the size of each rectangle.
  • parents: Specifies the column name, Series, or array-like object used to define the parent-child relationships for the rectangles in the hierarchy.
  • color: Specifies the column name, Series, or array-like object whose values are used to assign colors to the rectangles.
  • title: An optional title for the treemap chart.
  • labels: A dictionary that overrides default column names for axis titles, legend entries, and hover information.

Note: The ellipsis in the syntax (…) indicates that there are additional optional parameters beyond those listed here to customize the 3D mesh.

Example 1

The following examples show the usage of the .treemap() method.

# Creating an alias for plotly.express library
import plotly.express as px
# Creating a treemap plot and layout
figure = px.treemap(
names = ["Students", "Bob", "Michael", "Ana"],
parents = ["", "Students", "Students", "Students"]
figure.update_layout(margin = dict(t=50, l=25, r=25, b=25))
# Displaying the plot

The example above results in the following output:

The output for the example above

Example 2

The following example combines a Data Frame with the .treemap():

# Creating an alias for plotly.express library
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
# Creating a dataset for treemaps
df = pd.DataFrame({
"names": ["Company", "HR", "Sales", "Marketing"],
"parents": ["", "Company", "Company", "Company"]
# Creating a treemap plot and layout
figure = px.treemap(
names = 'names',
parents = 'parents'
figure.update_layout(margin = dict(t=50, l=25, r=25, b=25))
# Displaying the plot

The example above results in the following output:

The output for the example above

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