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Published May 27, 2024Updated May 30, 2024
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The .create_gantt method in the plotly.figure_factory module is a function used in Plotly to generate Gantt charts. Gantt charts are graphical representations of project schedules that illustrate tasks, their durations, and dependencies. This method allows users to create interactive Gantt charts within their Plotly figures, providing a visual overview of project timelines and progress.


The syntax for the .create_gantt() method in Plotly is customizable. Below is a general structure of it:

plotly.figure_factory.create_gantt(df, colors=None, index_col=None, show_colorbar=False, reverse_colors=False, title=’Gantt Chart’, ....)

The .create_gantt method takes the following arguments:

  • df: Required input data, either a data frame or a list, serving as the foundation for the Gantt chart’s content.
  • colors: Specifies the color scheme used in the chart, allowing customization through options like a Plotly scale name, a list of colors, a dictionary mapping values to colors, or a tuple defining the color range.
  • index_col: Identifies the column header to be used as the indexing column in the Gantt chart, aiding in the organization of tasks or data points along the y-axis.
  • show_colorbar: A boolean parameter determining the visibility of the color bar in the Gantt chart.
  • reverse_colors: A boolean parameter enabling the reversal of selected colors in the chart.
  • title: Sets a descriptive title for the Gantt chart.

Note: The ellipsis (…) indicates that there can be additional optional arguments beyond those listed here.


The example below demonstrates the use of .create_gantt() to plot a Gantt chart for a simple project with three tasks (A, B and C) that take place in the same year:

import plotly.figure_factory as ff
df = [
dict(Task="Task A", Start='2024-01-01', Finish='2024-02-02'),
dict(Task="Task B", Start='2024-03-01', Finish='2024-11-11'),
dict(Task="Task C", Start='2024-08-06', Finish='2024-09-21')
fig = ff.create_gantt(df)


The code depicted above produces the following output:

Output of plotly.figure_factory.create_gantt() function example

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