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Published Nov 28, 2024
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Functions in PostgreSQL are reusable sets of SQL and procedural commands stored on the database server. They are also referred to as Stored Procedures. They enable complex operations to be performed in a single function, reducing the need for multiple commands and database roundtrips

PostgreSQL supports functions in various languages, such as SQL, PL/pgSQL, C, Python, and more.


Here is the syntax for defining a PostgreSQL function:

CREATE [OR REPLACE] FUNCTION function_name(parameters)
RETURNS return_type AS $$
    <variable_name> <data_type>;
   RETURN <value_or_variable>;
$$ LANGUAGE lang_name;
  • function_name: Specifies the function name.
  • [OR REPLACE]: Allows updating an existing function with the same name. PostgreSQL will create a new function if the function does not exist
  • parameters: These are the input parameters that the function accepts.
  • RETURNS return_type: Specifies the type of value that the function will return.
  • AS: Introduces the function body.
  • function_body: This field contains the function’s logic that will be executed when the function is called.
  • LANGUAGE lang_name: Defines the name of the language in which the function is written.


Suppose we have a table employees containing employees names and salaries, with the following records:

employee salary
Sarah 50000
Bailey 60000
Valeria 70000

We want to create a function that calculates the average salary of all employees in the table. The function avg_salary() can be defined as follows:

CREATE FUNCTION avg_salary()
average_salary NUMERIC;
SELECT AVG(salary)
INTO average_salary
FROM employees;
RETURN average_salary;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Here the average_salary variable is used to store the result of the AVG(salary) calculation, where the function will return the average salary.

To call the avg_salary() function and get the average salary, use the SELECT statement as follows:

SELECT avg_salary();

The above code will call the avg_salary() function and return all the employees calculated average salaries in the employee table.

| average_salary |
| 60000.0000 |

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