
CyberRedPanda's avatar
Published Jul 14, 2021Updated Aug 22, 2023
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The reversed() function takes in an iterable object, such as a list, string, or a tuple and returns a reversed iterator object.



Example 1

Because the reversed() function returns an iterator object, in order to access the content, it is necessary to iterate over the object when printing:

counting = ["one", "two", "three"]
blast_off = reversed(counting)
for num in blast_off:
print(num, end=" ")
# Output: three two one

Example 2

The example below reverses the elements of a list.

Note: To simply reverse an existing list rather than return an iterator object, Python has a list.reverse() method:

counting = ["one", "two", "three"]
blast_off = reversed(counting)
print(blast_off) # Output: <list_reverseiterator object at 0x7ff4f6a1dfa0>
print(counting) # Output: ['three', 'two', 'one']

Example 3

Because strings are also iterable objects, reversed() can also be used on strings.

new = reversed("stressed")
for letter in new:
print(letter, end="")
# Output: desserts

Codebyte Example

Tuples are iterable objects too, hence reversed() can be used on tuples as well.


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