
apropos0's avatar
Published Jul 7, 2023
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The built-in function staticmethod() converts a method to a static method. The function to be converted is passed as a parameter and the static conversion of the method is returned.

This function has several applications, one use case is the generation of a new static method from an existing instance method. A static method differs from a class or instance method in that it can’t modify the class or instance. These methods serve to impose a tighter scope over a given functionality and are used to signal the design intention and use of the class.

Note: While use of this built-in function was common in older versions of Python, it is considered more Pythonic to use the @staticmethod decorator to define static methods.



Example 1

Use staticmethod() to convert the print_welcome method in the Codecademy class to a static method:

class Codecademy:
def print_welcome(name):
print("Welcome to...", name)
# Converting to static method
Codecademy.print_welcome = staticmethod(Codecademy.print_welcome)
# Calling as a static method by the class
# Calling as a static method by the object

Example 2

Use staticmethod() to create a static method in Codecademy class from an external function:

def print_hello():
print("Hello, I'm not from the class")
class Codecademy:
#converting print_hello to a static function and assigning to a method in Codecademy class
codecademy_hello = staticmethod(print_hello)
#calling codecademy_hello as a static method

Example 3

Use staticmethod() to create a static function from a method in the Codecademy class and call the function on its own:

class Codecademy:
def print_welcome(name):
print("Welcome to...", name)
# Converting to static method
new_welcome = staticmethod(Codecademy.print_welcome)
# Calling new_welcome

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