Random Module

christian.dinh's avatar
Published Aug 6, 2021Updated Mar 9, 2022
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In Python, the built-in random module is used to randomly generate numbers as well as randomly manipulate collections such as lists and strings.

This module can be used when imported at the top of a Python file:

import random

The random variable can then be used for executing the module’s built-in methods, like the .random() method below:


Random Module

Returns a random item chosen from an iterable argument, such as a list or a dictionary.
Returns a list of randomly selected elements from a given sequence, allowing for weighted probabilities and repetition.
Generates an integer with a specified number of random bits.
Returns a random integer that exists between two values.
Returns a pseudo-random floating-point number between 0 and 1.
Selects a random number from a defined range of int values.
Returns a list of items randomly selected from a given population.
Initializes a pseudo-random number generator with a seeded value and sets the first number.
Takes a list and randomly re-orders the items.
Returns a random floating number from a triangular distribution.
Returns a pseudo-random floating-point number between two given numbers.

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