
razeit01's avatar
Published Dec 17, 2024
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The sqlite3 library is used to connect to SQLite databases and provides functions to interact with them. It can also be used for prototyping while developing an application.


import sqlite3

The sqlite3 library handles the communication with the databases.

Create a Connection

To work with a database, it first needs to be connected to using the .connect() function:

import sqlite3
con = sqlite3.connect("mydb_db.db")

Create a Cursor

A cursor is required to execute SQL statements and the .cursor() function creates one:

curs = connection.cursor()

Create a Table

The .execute() function can be used to create a table:

curs.execute('''CREATE TABLE persons(
name TEXT,
gender TEXT)

Insert a Value Into the Table

To insert values into the table, the SQL statement is executed with the .execute() function:

curs.execute('''INSERT INTO persons VALUES(
'Alice', 21, 'female')''')

Insert Multiple Values Into the Table

To insert multiple values into the table, the SQL statement is executed using the .executemany() function with an array of values:

new_persons = [('Bob', 26, 'male'),
('Charlie', 19, 'male'),
('Daisy', 18, 'female')
curs.executemany('''INSERT INTO persons VALUES(?, ?, ?)''', new_persons)

Commit the Transaction

The .commit() function saves the inserted values to the database permanently:


Check the Inserted Rows

To check all the inserted rows, the .fetchall() function can be used:

result = cursor.execute("SELECT * FROM persons")

Close the Connection

After completing all the transactions, the connection can be closed with .close():


Codebyte Example

Here’s a codebyte example showing how to connect to an SQLite database, create a table, insert/query data, and close the connection:


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